Engaging Hilltending as ecotherapy and nature based wellness, you can find a new and lasting peace of mind, giving needed strength in these troubled ecological times. You will learn how to work with your ecological “shadow” without being overwhelmed by ecogrief. We will usually work outside and blend many of the practices from Jungian coaching with ecotherapeutic practices.

Hilltending as ecotherapy and nature based wellness helps empower you to

  • Proactively engage a nature based wellness for you and the Earth
  • Work with your ecological “shadow” and associated affective responses
  • Recognize and enjoy the awe and beauty of being a member of the Earth Community without being overwhelmed and disempowered by ecogrief
  • Find peace of mind and needed strength in these troubled times
  • Finding creative ways of lowering your ecological footprint and contributing to the healing of the Earth
  • Realize many of the same empowerments as in Jungian Coaching

When compared to Jungian Coaching, Hilltending as Ecotherapy and nature based wellness

  • Focuses on becoming more aware of and intentionally transforming your deep relationship to the natural world, and so we will work more with the psychological relationships you have with yourself and the natural world.
  • Maintains the  metaphorical meanings inherent to the Hilltending framework but also becomes more literal – we will step into the landscape, we perhaps will tend to landscapes, we might even climb a hill or move rocks, even as we are working with the inner aspects they metaphorically describe.
The Hilltending Framework
The Hilltending Framework

In Hilltending ecotherapy, we will usually work outside and blend many of the same practices from Jungian coaching with ecotherapeutic practices such as:

  • Earth-based practices such as contemplative nature walks
  • Crafting your historical and “alchemical” econarrative
  • Nature based dream work from the perspective of the “World’s Dream”
  • Imagining into personality types of landscape
  • Ecosomatic practices
  • Archetypal cosmology and understanding the terracentric and geocosmological ways of relating to the Earth

Free 30 Minute Consultation

Find out more about me and my Hilltending offerings by scheduling your free 30-minute consultation. In this remote consultation, we will become acquainted with each other and explore how Hilltending can help you reach your goals and desired results. I look forward to meeting you!
Hilltending for Individuals
Hilltending for Groups (Spring 2024)
Hilltending for Professionals