The Hilltending Campus is a rustic 5 acre rural property that is also a small permaculture lavender farm. With a diverse landscape of meadows, wooded areas with paths, lavender fields, gardens, a woodhenge and other land art, and dedicated ecotherapy “talking" spaces scattered throughout, the campus offers a surprisingly diverse range of experiences for such a small parcel. Oh, and yes, there is a hill. 

I could say more but a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is a gallery of images from the campus. I look forward to welcoming you on campus!

During our Hilltending sessions, we might find ourselves walking in the small forest, sampling some fresh strawberries, peaches, or tomatoes, sitting in the middle of the aromatic lavender fields, or, especially during inclement weather, in the warm Orchard House enjoying a cup of tea (made with herbs grown on campus) or coffee as we go about Hilltending. It has been described by some as a “sacred retreat and pilgrimage."